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welcome to tate psychotherapy

Tate Psychotherapy is a female Psychotherapist group based in New York City.  We are so excited you stopped by!


The holiday season often brings families together, which can be joyful but also stressful, especially if you have to field prying questions from well-meaning but nosy relatives. As a therapist, I’m often asked how to handle personal or insensitive inquiries that pop up over Thanksgiving dinner. Here are some of my tips: Set boundaries ahead […]

Dealing With Hard Questions at Thanksgiving: A Therapist’s Advice


Relationships, Skills

First dates are scary for everyone. Not only are we being vulnerable with someone we don’t know well (or at all), we’re entering into unknown social territory. We won’t know how our date perceives us, and we’re often unsure about how we think about them right away. The relationship is undefined and expectations are often […]

7 Ways to Cope with Dating Stress when BPD Symptoms are Triggered


Dating, Personality Disorders, Relationships

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