mental health workshops
for businesses nationwide

Reduce Employee Stress, Increase Company Success

workshops that
are actually fun

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Searching for Intentional Employee Mental Health Support?

Thinking of offering a mental health workshop for your staff? We've got you covered.

High stress levels and limited support in the workplace often result in decreased employee mental health, performance and retention. We believe intentional mental health programming can provide your employees with robust support to lower stress, improve morale and promote wellness across your organization. 

Employee Mental Health Matters
  • 92% of employers said that providing employee mental health support is a high priority
  • 84% of employees report that it’s important for potential employers to have comprehensive mental health benefits and support
  • 31% of employees stated their mental health had declined in the past year

Source: 2022 State of Workforce Mental Health

What We Offer

In-person workshops or webinars for businesses nationwide

Any size business from solopreneur to Fortune 500

Topics include suicide prevention, returning to work, assertiveness, and more

Customized workshops geared for your people

Engaging mental health experts


Some Tools to Help Your Business

free info from the cdc

our fave mental health book

mental health journal

Our favorite book overviewing mental health in workplace.

We love this journal as a part of any wellness practice. 

Free information from the CDC on the importance of mental health in the workplace.

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We’d love to support your

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Creating a Healthy

A healthy work environment is good for business. Supporting employee
wellness boosts productivity and creativity. Reflect & create with this free guide that will help promote positive change in your work environment!

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